miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

María Ugarte: The art of Natalia Conde

By María Ugarte
Dominican Republic Correspondant.
Tiempos del Mundo

In the search for something original and different, Natalia Conde, sure of herself, has created, is creating and will probably continue to create over the canvas a universe of creatures full of rhythm and mystery, some inspired in feelings or in ideas; others, in turbulent happenings, in catastrophes, in tremendous and absurd experiences.
For this dominican painter, the art, the paint, is not a means of life nor a function, instead, it is the necessity to give free rein to her fantasies, to her open temper; to completely overturn in the invention of those round and at the same time, indecisive beings, that impetuously pass through her paintbrushes to, once captured on the cloth, convert them into her participants in dialogues, jesters and mischievous beings on occasions, frequently serious and stem, but always innermost. The accentuated volume that she accomplishes in her works imprints sculptoristic value to the forms and adds strength to her paintings of intense and sober tones, sometimes monochromatic, in which the shadows and lights harmoniously combine or struggle to destroy one another.
Let nobody look for neither sensibilities nor feminine primeness in Natalia Conde's art. Instead, have them try to guess her creating uneasiness and her constant desire to discover, in the middle of the illuminated obscurity, the human being with his great defects and his great virtues; with his joys and sorrows; with his successes and failures. Because between volumes and roundnesses she looks to accomplish in her works that anguished synthesis capable of revealing, in a bold trait, in a confusing figure, in daring curves, the hidden beauty that she does not want to let escape. Natalia Conde is very passionate of her art; its irredeemable slave. And with her dominating and delightful optimism, before the virgin painting that will serve as support of her dreams, of her hopes, and of her inspiration. It does not matter that her characters are tragic, that her themes are somber, that the forms result enigmatic and imprecise. Because the artist will continue her task with decision, with joy, with an optimistic vision of life.
Singular contrast that of Natalia Conde: a creator capable of capturing on lines, colors, and voluminous death scenes, anguishes and tragedies, and that, at the same time, as a human being, she is open, vivacious, and optimistic.
In the paintings that she presents today in this her second individual exposition the good observer can acknowledge the unbendable personality of this young Dominican artist.

By María Ugarte Art Critic  / Tiempos del Mundo
Thurs 24 of July 2003. Art y culture. Page 49.

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